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Go Native!

The Go Native project was founded by Grow Good Hawaii Executive Director Paul Arinaga. It aims to mobilize Hawaii’s residents, businesses, schools, and other institutions to grow more native Hawaiian and Polynesian-introduced plants. Our long-term goal is to restore nature from mauka to makai by creating a series of kīpuka within inhabited areas. This “Urban Forest Network” can then interconnect with remaining natural forests, helping to preserve species, provide habitat, and extend wildlife corridors. Paul and Grow Good Hawaii Program Director Hilary Parkinson co-authored Go Native! Your guide to growing Native Hawaiian and canoe plants wherever you live, work, or play which was published in August 2022 ( The guide provides sample garden plans as well as recommended combinations of plants that are appropriate to the user’s growing zone, type of space and landscaping needs. It includes a comprehensive listing (the “Quick Reference Table”) of 200+ native Hawaiian and canoe plants that readers can consult to match plant characteristics with their specific needs. The project also has plans to launch a community portal at where gardeners can find answers to their questions, share knowledge and seeds, and form friendships. In addition, an online filterable version of the Quick Reference Table is being developed and planned for release in the coming months. It will include not only horticultural and landscaping information about plants, but also ethnobotanical and conservation information such as their use as habitat or food for native wildlife.

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